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Why Are Dogs Rolling In The Grass?

dogs rolling in the grass

It’s not unusual to see dogs rolling in the grass, tongues out, ears flopping, and eyes wide with delight. But why? What is it about grass that makes dogs so happy?

In this post, we’ll tell you why dogs love rolling in the grass and how you can make sure your pup is getting the most out of this unique canine activity!

Why Are Dogs Rolling In The Grass?

It probably won’t come as a surprise to you that dogs have a natural tendency to roll around in the grass.

This behavior is seen across all breeds, ages, and environments. This is regardless of whether the grass is wet, dry, or even too tall for your pup’s legs.

Scientists believe that dogs do this for a variety of reasons. This may include scent association, comfort and pleasure, and marking their territory.


Back when dogs weren’t fully domesticated yet, it’s believed that they rolled in the grass in order to help mask their real scent.

Doing this enabled them to sneak up on prey. It also helped them avoid being detected by their prey, as well as their predators.

This instinctive behavior is still seen in many dogs today and can be triggered by a variety of things, such as the smell of another animal, the smell of food, or even the smell of a human.

Scent Association

Speaking of smells, scent association is a major factor in why dogs roll around in the grass.

Dogs have an incredibly powerful sense of smell that allows them to pick up on hundreds of nuanced scents.

As mentioned above, rolling around in the grass can help mask their own scent. It also masks that of any other animals in the area, allowing them to blend in.

They may also associate the smell of grass with something pleasant, such as a treat or toy they find in the grass.

Comfort and Pleasure

Dogs also roll in grass because it can make them feel comfortable and even pleasurable.

The feeling of cool blades of grass against their skin may provide relief from itchiness caused by allergies or fleas.

Rolling around can also be a way for dogs to express joy or excitement, as it often accompanies playtime activities such as fetch or tug-of-war.

Simply put, rolling is quite soothing, and it’s believed to give them a sense of relaxation as well.

Territory Marking

Another explanation as to why dogs love rolling in the grass is that they’re marking their territory.

We all know that dogs like to mark their and have a natural instinct to do so.

This instinct is stronger in wild dogs. These dogs often roll around in the grass in order to leave scent marks that will alert other animals of their presence.

Domesticated dogs do this, too, though it’s more likely that they’re just trying to have fun and explore their environment.

Is Rolling in the Grass Safe for Dogs?

While rolling around in the grass may seem like harmless fun for your dog, be warned. There are potential health risks involved with this activity.

Grass clippings may contain fertilizers or pesticides that could irritate your dog’s skin or cause digestive issues if ingested.

Additionally, rolling around in mud puddles could expose your dog to parasites such as hookworms or roundworms which could lead to serious health problems if left untreated.

Make sure that you wash or at least wipe your dog thoroughly after they’ve been rolling around in the grass to protect their health.


While it’s completely natural for dogs to roll around in the grass due to scent association and pleasure-seeking behaviors, pet owners should be aware of potential health risks associated with this activity.

As good owners, it’s up to us to take steps towards managing our dog’s behaviors safely. This can be done through training techniques and methods that redirect them into something positive instead.

If you want to learn more about dog behaviors, make sure you visit the PetFitness blog today!

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